Simply Me

By Suze981

Carry on

The arch of my left foot has been a little sore and tender after my run on Monday. So I took a couple of days off and decided to go for a short run out tonight to test it out.

I ran straight home from work, no embellishments at all. It felt ok running, but feels a little tight now I'm home. I'm pleased I kept it a short one. Don't look now, but I think I've finally learned how to be sensible about it!

This was the end of the run in Holyrood park - fabulous lighting going on (shame about the glare in the centre though - I hadn't realised it was there until I got home).

As I was setting out, Carry on Wayward Son came on the iPod. I'd forgotten tonight was a Supernatural night. Bring on the Winchester boys!

Running mileage (15 March - 15 March)
Today's run: 2 miles
Total mileage: 14 miles

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