Glen Isla

This morning I went for a run with a friend, it wasn't the longest run I'd ever done but was certainly the longest in time and amongst the hardest. After several lovely days it rained last night and was just easing off as we arrived at out starting point, though it didn't restart and the sun even came out at times.
The route was north from Alyth on part of the Cateran Trail and was very hilly, there was virtually no flat. Underfoot was muddy (I nearly lost a shoe at one point and fell in some at another) or wet snow which made it hard going on the legs and slow. One the way back the snow was melting before our eyes which made the downslopes easier.
The photo was taken form the turn-around point and just before that was a field with lots of very small calves.
Shoes, clothes and me all washed and the place tidied up after a visit from the plumber - it's taken about 8 months to get one to come and so the couple of small jobs!
Yesterday's photo was of the layer of ice I'd just scraped off the car window.

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