My life!

By Beccaboosmummy


Ahem, right firstly I have to say it's been SIX years since my last confession, I mean entry!! SIX YEARS! So I decided after chatting to my friend Foreveryoung it was time I made a return.
So, what's been happening in the last 6 years!?
Well, my lovely daughter is now almost 8 years old! Wow, how did that happen! I'm about 2 stone lighter (huge smiles) after taking up and teaching Zumba, then starting running and just completed my 3rd half marathon (more smiles). Became a childminder (not so big smiles!) and that's about it.
So the photo was actually taken about a month ago (I know it's meant to be on the day but I'm sitting here in bed and I ain't getting up to take a pic!) and we sent the pic into the Beano magazine to see if it would make an appearance. My daughter gets a weekly magazine subscription so each week she tears it open to see if she's in it, but sadly nothing as yet :-(
So, now I need to keep this up, I'll do my best!

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