The Wren

By TheWren

Very near now ....

The quilting group was very quiet this morning with a few invigilating or on holiday. I was due to invigilate in the afternoon but needed to go in for a short while as I had all the coffee things! I left after coffee and a blether and dashed home to let the dogs out and have a bit of lunch before going to the school for a two and a half hour Higher physics exam. One of the pupils had me a bit worried when the exam started as he simply sat there staring at the paper while the others had all started writing. He honestly looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights and I was wondering what to do - like suggest he look through the paper and try and find at least one question he could tackle to get him started. What made it worse for him was that he was sitting right in front of me so I tried to look the other way so as not to scare him even more (!) - then to my relief he made a start and then all was well!

The weather, as predicted, is on the turn and when I got home to change and take the dogs out, it was a lot cooler and there was more air about. Up on the moor I checked on the growth of the young larch cones and as you can see they are very nearly there! They are a deep bergundy colour now, tinged with a bit of green, but are unmistakeable as cones. It was interesting to see little droplets on them and as it hasn't been raining for ages, I think this must be sap oozing out. For those who haven't seen the earlier blips you could check here. You will find earlier links on that page too if you are interested in the fascinating progress from the beginning.

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