
By Norm

Stop-off in Paris

This seems like such a long time ago now... But thought I'd like to do a bit of back-blipping. I've been checking in to read blips every few days (and keep up with the news from blip central) but haven't managed to post anything myself for a while.

Anyway, we are currently in Barcelona! We are here because Rob is doing a course - so hard work for him, but a lovely holiday for me and Ted!

We thought it would be an adventure to get here by train... Hmm, what kind of daft idea was that, with a toddler in tow?! To his credit he was brilliant, coping superbly with a train from Salisbury to London, crossing London on the tube, the Eurostar to Paris and then the (horrible) Paris Metro. Grumpy parents (too heavy luggage) added to the stress. But we made it. An overnight in Paris (with a little bit of sightseeing thrown in) and the next morning, at 0713, we were on the TGV speeding South...

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