I wasn't going to

Blip T again. But this was the best picture I took today. 

His changed again; I think it's about the third time this week! Humour, looks, stride, how far and how fast he can walk. 

I'm struggling today, on Wednesday night K slept for a block of 5 hrs, for about the 5th time since July. It was lovely, but a little of what I need left me tired yesterday. Which I probably shouldn't have even thought, because last night from 11 till 645 I think he pretty much woke at the end of every sleep cycle...about every 45 mins. I'm tired. And everything today has felt hard. Last week's muck up has constantly come to mind; its been a battle not to eat all the wrong things and I've not been the mum I want to be. Bleurgh. I'm hoping the wind forecast for the weekend will blow some cobwebs away.

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