Hurry up! The tides coming in.

A day of contrasts.
The Bossess had The Boss sorting thru several years of paperwork which was interrupted by exciting noises from the bedroom this afternoon when It appears that his knee bending practise (on The Bossess’s knee) had a break through. No No No no knees were injured in this thingie but a new exciting angle (I believe it is called a “right” angle ‘Cos  well it’s right) but a left knee which has me confused a bit…Did I mention I am easily confused?  No? well anyway the left knee got very close to the right angle. For normal kneed folk that news is probably not as exciting as the Cricket MAY be (or may not) but for The Bossess and her knee it was Top Gear and also has included the odd questionable language and violence at times which it appears The Boss is under instructions to ignore. Ashedoes.  

It must be OK as he has not been fired…yet…but he does worry about his bonus.

You can see from todays pic that the sheep (wether) was also questionable and YES we did get wet on the return leg. Now is the return leg a right or left? I suppose it depends on which one was loaned in the first place and therefore returned.

I think I am getting a headache now.


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