Saturday: The Photography Club

We have had a great day of being tourists.  After a hearty breakfast, we headed to the Natural History Museum, not really clocking that this was the first day of the Easter holidays and so the kids were out in force.  We really wanted to see Dippy, the dinosaur, before it is moved.  Our favourite bits were the dinosaurs and the earthquake simulation.......

We then headed to Foyles' bookstore for a good browse..........and purchase.  Later on, we headed out for drinks at 'The Lamb and Flag' and an excellent Chinese.  I will confess that we have eaten at the same Chinese restaurant for the last three nights. Thoughts of anything else just didn't do it for us and if you want the most authentic food outside of China, you have to head to 'Baiwei' on Great Newport Street - it is just superb!

We walked the long way back, across Westminster Bridge, where the photography club was out in force.

We have had the devil's own job working out what time to set the alarm for tomorrow's flight back, given that that clocks go forward!

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