Peach Blossom

The day has ended well; yay! I am writing this sitting in a room full of Brownies, waiting for them to drop off to sleep. We are having an animal themed sleepover which included torch light games in support of the WWF environment challenge of having an hour without electricity. We also made pizzas and microwave cup cakes which turned out to be fun and tasty. As is traditional we rounded off the evening with singing.
As I said, the day has ended well, but earlier I went to County Girlguiding Training Day, which sadly was an utter waste of time bar reconnecting with a few fellow Guiders and friends. So frustrating!
Blipping was always going to be tricky today as it would be inappropriate to post pics of Brownies but luckily my miniature peach tree has produced some pretty blossom. It has a little protection by the front door and we've had peaches on it the last two years.

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