Lies...................... All lies?!!

Sometimes Ann lies to me.  She tells me stuff, (thinking that because I’m a dog, I don’t really understand what she’s saying), and then she doesn’t do what she said we were going to do.  As all you Blippers know; I am a very intelligent collie and I understand everything Ann says to me.

A few days ago Ann said, ‘Molly, on Sunday we are going out with our friends for a big long walk and we are going to stop at a pub for a big roast lunch.’

I love ‘big, long walk Sundays’.  I’ve been thinking about where we might be walking for the last few days.

……………………But do you know what happened today?

When I went out for my morning walk it was cold, windy and very mizzly & drizzly.  And when we got home Ann said, ‘Molly, big long walk Sunday is cancelled!’

Well, that was disappointing enough, but then she said, ‘Molly, I’m going to go into work for a few hours because I was extremely busy yesterday and I have lots of things to catch up on and if I go in today, nobody will know that I’m there, and I will be able to achieve loads in peace & quiet.  You can come with me.’

I was a bit angry!  When I go to work I just get boring ‘on my lead’ walks and I’d already had an ‘on my lead’ walk around town.  And I’d been promised big long walk Sunday.

However, because Ann is a very nice collie dog owner; do you know what she said?  …………………..She said, ‘Molly, if you come and keep me company this morning, then I promise I will take you out this afternoon for at least a couple of hours, whatever the weather, and you can have the whole time off your lead for run about time.’

Well I guess you can’t say fairer than that?!!

This afternoon we went to the dunes.  It was still windy & cold & mizzly & drizzly but I had such fun zooming around looking for bunnies.  But do you know what?  …………………….I didn’t see one single bunny.  I think they must all have been snug and warm in their burrows.

I’ve had a lovely afternoon and now we’re home.  I’ve gobbled up my dinner and am now snoozing in my bed like the well behaved little collie that I am.

I don’t like it when Ann lies to me but I know she’s only got my best interests at heart.  In retrospect, it probably wasn’t a very nice day to go on ‘big long walk Sunday'.

 ……………….But a couple of hours on the dunes? Yay!  I am one happy little collie dog this evening.

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