Edinburgh Chap's Photos

By GilesGuthrie

Power On, my Try-Scoring Boy! (2015.088)

A flurry of emails on Saturday night. Watsonians Warriors were committed to sending two squads to Boroughmuir for Sunday's tournament, but all the communications to date had said that only one squad (our "Leopards") were going. 

Watsonians were able to field a "Barbarians" team from the Lions, Pumas and Tigers squads, so the contest was on. Some fairly intricate travel & catering arrangements in the Edinburgh Chap household ensured that Jonathan could get to the game.

Sunday dawned bright and warm, but a cold wind brought squally showers of savage intensity. It was, frankly, a miserable experience. Nonetheless, the boys really stepped up, playing excellent rugby, and winning several games. Tough semi-final drawings led to an avoidance of a tricky all-Watsonian final, and saved the boys another game. They were all ready to go by the end of it.

Jonathan had a great contest though, getting much more possession than normal, and scoring his first away-tournament try ever (his first try at all this season). In this shot, we see him with the ball in two hands, extending those long legs (which threaten to bankrupt me with the trouser bill), pouring on the power as he storms towards the try line.

I really wish this was a shot of his try-scoring run, but I confess I was too busy hoping-against-hope that he would make it, and was thus distracted from shooting his triumph.

Hopefully my paternal pride has come through in this description. I'm no "touchline dad" but when he succeeds after putting in such effort, it makes me fit to burst.

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