The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Clapping Hands

Mummy had herself psyched up for our first night alone together. Daddy has been really kind in the last 11 months and been there for us every night. Either that or his social life has been severely lacking since I was born!

I went easy on mummy and only woke her up once before our 5.30am start. Aunty Kim came to visit and we went a walk to the park. I played on the swings and seen a nesting swan! Afterwards we met mummy's friends for lunch and I CLAPPED MY HANDS properly for the first time. Mummy's waited months for me to do this. I was waiting until I could do it on cue! 'If you're happy and you know it clap your hands'. So I did.

Daddy is home tonight. Mummy says we've coped extremely well without him. Well done mummy, I said as I clapped my hands, you almost said that with a straight face!

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