Hector's House

By MisterPrime


We are temporarily a two-dog family, which is pretty cool. Oscar spends a fair bit of time camped out on the doormat, though, waiting for his humans to return, unsure why they have left him in the care of this family of nutters who iron their shirts by the back door whilst listening to Hawkwind at excessive volume and then insist on trying to take his picture whilst he's just lying there perfecting his hangdog expression...

As it is, I've not forgiven him yet for disappearing into a holly tree at the park after something furry or feathery on Sunday and getting stuck, so I had to crawl into the thicket on my hands and knees, yelling like an idiot and sustaining scratches to the arms and legs, to free him from the ensuing entanglement. I'd already sent Katie home for the clippers as I thought I was actually going to have to chop him free (and probably explain to officials along the way why I was performing a bit of impromptu topiary on Borough Council property...)

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