The Wild Wild West

By Beedoesthis


She IS spoilt. There's no doubt about that. Where others would chose a plastic igloo and hard wood shavings, we provide luxury accommodation. She still poos and wees in it though.

I have a confession. I haven't taken a photo for over a week. Well I have, but just a snapshot of the colourful pom-poms decorating our street in the rain. But not anything for blip.

And it hasn't bothered me, the not taking the daily blip. I did other things, I no longer felt like everything was a potential photo. But then it started to creep up on me. If I DON'T take a daily photo, what is my day? It's just a normal everyday, where the one rolls into the next. Like it used to before I started Blip. And is that what I want life to be? Is that what I want ME to be?

I could've faked the last week. I could've worked around the system. But to what end? To leave an unbroken chain? A lie? Is the chain important? To me, no. Because by leaving a break, the tether remains off. I don't have to worry about breaking the chain any more, because it's already broken.

So here I am, back to blipping, unfettered.

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