Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

NO Mount Rainier

2 years ago at a visit to my cardiologist in his new office in this brand new clinic building in downtown Seattle, I loved this view out his office window -Mount Rainier was right in the center of the photo in her glory with blue sky....... but I didn’t have a camera with me then…  So today I brought my camera and there was NO Mount Rainier!  Looking south, King County Hospital is the tall building with flag.  And the "little" red brick building right to the left of “Mt. Rainier” is what used to be the US Public Health Hospital opened in 1933 for the US Marine Corp: occupied it for a few years and moved on.   Now "Pacific Tower",  there is a medical center there and Seattle Central Community College rents half for their healthcare training.  It's a cool Art Deco Style - should be a future blip.... 
 Off and on clouds, some rain, and sunbreaks today....  But the clouds were kinda cool and so is the city with an UNCROWDED freeway! so I played with a bit of HDR and this will have to do til I’m back in 2 years…. (and not before...!) 

And speaking of clouds, thanks to all who gave me advice yesterday about my storage issues.   Much appreciated.  What better community to do this?    Alsacienne suggested the amazon cloud (see comments in yesterday’s blip) and when I went to just look at it —-there were my photos from my old slides that I sent to ScanCafe to digitize last year!!!  surprise!  They told me when they sent my dvd that they were also putting them there but I guess I forgot and never did look (I backed up the dvd on another ext. drive) … I dunno.  I think I’ll put the other photos from my external drives there and just keep backing up the computer on my time machine external drive. (other good advise, thanks nhc)      For now anyway….that’ll work!

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