The Black Sheep*

I saw this lovely pair & it reminded me that many Blippers may not know about black lambs & sheep.
Most sheep give birth to singles, twins or very very rarely triplets. In these rare triple births the third lamb is often smaller and weaker than his siblings (the runt of the litter so to speak) and in the struggle for survival doesn't always get his share of mothers attention or vitally her milk. So in order to give the little fellow a chance (& to increase the productivity and yield of their flock) the clever farmer dyes the young lamb black. This causes the other lambs a level of consternation and uncertainty - which in turn allows our weak little chap to get a turn at the teat & to prosper. The mothering instinct is far too strong to cause the mother any worries and all is well - our little chap survives.
For the most part the dye wears off - but we've all seen the odd adult black sheep and those of you who've spent time in the Lakes will have noticed we have grey sheep as it rains here so often that the dye is often diluted.

*Happy April 1st Blippers :-)

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