
While the rest of Europe was being buffeted by high winds I was moderately protected by London buildings; the main effect of the intermittent downpours was to wash the air brilliantly clean. Even so, the compact camera I am currently borrowing did not cope very well with strong light and shadow, nor with colour (nor with focussing...). I had lots of fun taking pictures but few are retrievable.

One of my various missions in London was to look at system cameras to replace my own former favourite and fatally flawed compact (now donated to a good cause, hence the borrowed one). I've asked for advice on Zendesk and am grateful for the two replies that have so far arrived, but if you have thoughts, please add them over there so that I can learn and others can share. When I posted a similar question on the old grey forums a couple of years ago the helpful replies flooded in. This Zendesk thing does not work well.

Centrepoint has been notorious for most of my life as a symbol of arrogant wealth. Its owner kept it empty for many years, it was the site of protests about homelessness and it is now receiving yet another makeover. I can never see it without being reminded of those who have and those who have not.

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