Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Happy plant! :)

I didn't think this one would survive... I've had it for the last 15 or 16 years. Bought it after or maybe during I studied at a college for adult education in the southern parts of Sweden. I went there for 2 years, first year I learnt about textile and handicraft and the second year I studied the usual subjects, like English, math and so on. My grades from high school weren't the best, so I got my grades up a bit that second year. That was one of the best times in my life. I had the possibility to do what I liked and I meet a lot of good friends, and I had a lot of amazing teachers. My English teacher had a briefcase he called Justin Case, he was just amazing, funny and so very English. My teacher in nature science and archaeology could have a lecture about a path of stones and make it interesting. And all of the teachers I had during the first year, had as much fun as we students had. I had a lot of fun, and I learnt a lot. I even continued my studies in textiles at university, before I changed to anthropology.
There were a lot of these plants in the dining room at that school, and I bought one for myself as a memory. A couple of weeks ago I gave it new soil and it looks like it's going to make it. :)

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