Orange-Tailed Bumble Bee

Today’s picture is of an Orange-Tailed Bumble Bee. It looks, from its size and this early in the year, as though it might be a Queen. I hope it survives as it is already showing several mites on its head and body. I also had Ladybirds and Honey Bees to choose from.
The tiler has been here again today and has almost finished tiling the shower room; he is doing an excellent job. He is back after the Easter break to complete this room and then lay the tiles in the hall.
Wickes were delivering another supply of tiles today. We ordered and paid for them last week as well as some other items, which were small and were taken home at the time. However, there were no tiles on the lorry, but a duplicate set of the small items, which we already had. It is just as well that we do not need them in a hurry!
Easter is upon us, so we have a long weekend, however, I will need to work on some of the days, in order to get all my marking done on time. If the weather is good I hope to be able to fit in some gardening.

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