Good Friday Collage

Today has been rather significant in many ways. Sunrise this morning this TV Arial stood out against the red sky and made me think of Jesus blood shed on the Cross.  Later at Church we had  a service focussing on betrayal. We had to place a stone in a basket at the foot of the cross  signifying either the ways we had felt betrayed or where we thought we had betrayed others. Following that the cross was laid down on the floor and we all placed sprigs of herbs on the cross as a way of accepting healing. The other symbol is A new banner my patchwork friend had made with the word Jesus in the shape of the cross. All very meaningful. Hot Cross bun morning tea followed.
Thanks to Rainie for putting them into collage form for me as I am a bit dumb in that area.
This afternoon took a wedding practice for the marriage service I am going to officiate at tomorrow. Came home and have made biscuits in the shape of the cross as I am doing morning tea at Church on Easter Day.
Hope Easter is treating you all well and keep safe on the roads if you are travelling 

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