
By AlfeeTee

The 70th day of one hundred days of happiness.

The Woodcraft kids were given a 'parachute drop' activity tonight. Split into groups of four with one non intervening adult, they were given maps and transport maps and the vaguest of intructions on a series of destinations to reach. The youngsters then had to cooperate and figure out first where they were going and guessed it, how to get there.

They worked together amazingly well, listening to each other and no one dominating. They made some glaring errors but had to realise and learn for themselves.

I think they all felt a great sense of achievement for having reached their goals. Here they are at the site of the Battle of Cable St, where 100,000 people blockaded the road in 1936 to stop the rally by Oswald Mosely and 3,000 of his black-shirts and fought a 6,000 strong police force, eventually forcing them to abandon.

My moist-eyed tale fell on indifferent ears as they spread maps across the pavement in search of their next journey.

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