Outside my comfort zone

I don't normally review books about migration between Goa and East Africa, but because I read this book as it was delivered to the Institute by one of our former Fellows who came to our Open Day in January, I agreed to write a review when asked. Although it's way outside my comfort zone...

But it was fun to read, and quite fun to write, and knocking that off my to-do list on a reading/working day when most people are on holiday because it is a bank holiday/holy day was quite satisfying. A few bits and pieces were accomplished as well. So on Monday, with the next reading/writing day I expect to get back to the languishing article with new gusto.

Meanwhile, we booked a little big adventure for Mr A. It'll be in mid April and you'll have to check him out on 365project if you want to know more. I'm quite envious.

A quiet day, and a quiet evening in front of iplayer beckons.

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