Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight


Today mum was transferred from hospital to a nursing home where she gets aid & assistence and new check ups. I was supposed to guide her and tell her driver to the address of the NH coz he had to hear this address from her or her keeper (me today) as the hospital staff is not responsable for the address the client tells him... and mum would have told him to drive her home! She wouldn't be the  first client who'd informed the driver of a wrong address:) He drove her well to the NH I'd told him and I followed in my car.
At the reception we had to wait quite a while for another wheelchair for mum; the one she'd come with was had to be returned by the driver to the hospital ofcourse. Patience is a good thing in such:)

A warm welcome and then the intake interview first with the head nurse and then with the doctor and being shown around the ward ~ hours later I left mum behind and returned in the eve for my first visit at hers. She was alright and a bit sceptical... what's the intention of this all? I wanna go home! I can walk and do it all by myself... no more mam, no more. Oh?!

this is not mum's transfer of today, she did not have such a romantic ride today... this image is of recent when I was in Amsterdam

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