Northern Star

By Lifferz

One of those days :-(

I have had one of those days. I can't go into any details but about 3 things happened in quick succession which led to my day not being very good at all....however I am a believer in all things happening for a reason and I think that what happened today was needed and will hopefully lead to things which will be right for me in the long run.

Nice to get home to dry rather than fried plants. The beetroot seedlings I planted out yesterday have taken nicely and look healthy. Made myself a lovely chicken, cous cous, tomato, avocado, mixed leaf and bean sprouts salad....sadly an uninvited visitor turned up. Despite my tendency to do quirky things I was sure I hadn't cooked a solitary piece of brown rice...and as I put it on the side of my plate my suspicions were confirmed as he started to walk around the plate.

I have named him Bertie and because I am simply lovely I have left him the salad to finish off all on his lonesome slug trails and sudden unexplained loss of appetite did not factor into this decision at all. It feels good to be such a wonderful person ;-)

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