What a Surprise! Gobsmacked... it's Spring.

Only two days ago the snow covered all that can been seen in the garden. Boring and depressing as that scene had become.  I looked out of the window afternoon only to the discover this open first crocus. Grabbed the camera and off I went. The snow is leaving so fast that I  actually could walk to the little spot where a few crocuses are up. Pushing leaves aside I  found a cluster of sturdy blades holding next week's daffodils .
Everything has been secretly alive and waiting, or even growing whilst under the 3 foot blanket of ice and snow all this long winter.
I even dispatched two snails I spied wandering in a 'dormant' flower bed.
And so, that is just how fast Nature moves along when I think the entire landscape is frozen as solid as the icy surface.
While the moon is at its fullest now I shall start more seeds. I was given a zip up green house to sett out on the sunny deck. Amazed am I to think it could actually be time to unpack it and tie it to the railings. 
I believe the correct term for me is 'Gobsmacked'!!
I was at the Country Garden Store today. I have never seen it so crowded. The shoppers were laughing,  high with the hilarity that this interminable winter is now a memory.
This will be the one when we say, "Oh, do you remember the snows of 2015?"
What one single crocus will do...

[This is misswinterfinch's 730th blip... appropriate don't you think?]

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