Spoiling Moose to Death

By Griffey

Happy dog with a bear

This is Bear and Moose. Bear is my bunny. She is the same color as Moose, she is named after an animal, as is Moose, and she is sweet and gentle, like her buddy Moose.

I trust Moose with Bear. Bear comes in and runs around the house. She chases him and runs between his feet. She stands on her hind legs and rests her front paws on his elbows. Moose is kind, gentle, unresponsive.

Although sometimes I don't think Moose is sure what to think about Bear, I wonder if Moose knows Bear is a member of our family. Maybe he senses how much I love and care for her. Maybe he knows that he will be leaving this world well before he should. And because of that, he wants me to have as much love and support as possible, even if it is from a bunny who steals his attention and smells like a delicious Easter dinner.

Moose amazes me. He is so human-like. I feel like he reads my mind. He certainly reads my heart. When I talk to him, he listens. And what I love the most is that he looks me in the eyes --deep into them-- not just a gazed glance. It's like he sees my soul.

Many people ask me how I can trust my hunting dog with my domestic bunny and, for these reasons, the answer is simple.

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