Happy Easter!

A quiet day...

Plans to go out for the day never came to fruition so instead I did some gluten-free baking (which was successful this time!) and then hunted in the attic for my Easter decorations.

Last year's Easter decorations were far more creatively arranged than this year. Today I was lacking in inspiration and energy so instead they were 'artistically' plonked in bowls! These are some hand-painted wooden eggs that came back with me from Poland, along with some smaller eggs from Germany, designed for hanging on an Easter Egg Tree.

The only other excitement today has been the eating of my first Crème Egg of the year! Since Kraft took over Cadburys several years ago, production of Crème Eggs was moved from my home town to Poland. Apparently they no longer use Cadburys Dairy Milk chocolate in the making of the eggs, and you can taste the difference. But it won't stop me sampling them!!

Did you notice? An egg-related blip from me, and not a single egg-related pun or yolk!!!

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