Highway Footpath

Blackheath is now almost the last town on the "Great Western Highway" where the main road passes directly through the business district such that traffic gets stalled for locals reverse parking outside shops and for jay walkers darting hither and thither. We residents fear that the present situation (however idly convenient for ourselves) cannot last long. Eventually this scene of the footpath and  kerb parking for local business will have passed into the realms of "remember when ..." No doubt most of these historic shop fronts will simply be demolished for road widening and faster through traffic.

While there are weak leading lines here I have tried to create a sense of depth - mostly through the inclusion of foreground interest in the form of this little cafe table (and perhaps the passer-by as well). Sometimes wide angled compositions become so bogged down with lines and angles, the original subject and its inspiration get lost. This wide angle setting of 24 degrees (ff equiv) on a garden variety general purpose zoom is all the wide angle capability that most people really need, I think. Many people don't realise that they already have it.

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