Eyes Down For A Full House

It was a very busy day here. Exhausting, but fun! Our building had its annual springtime matsuri (festival) with free drinks, hot dogs, oden, onigiri and chips, followed by bingo with prizes. The Fukuo shrine next door also held their matsuri with free games for the kids, food, drinks and bingo. We then had a lot of shopping to do in the afternoon, and Kazuko and I still have Valerie and Arthur's Easter egg hunt to prepare for this evening. It's all go here!

I took several nice photographs of our neighbours with the cherry blossoms but I decided to choose this indoor shot, sans blossoms, because I think it shows the wonderful community spirit we have in our neighbourhood with children and adults of all ages enjoying good times together. Here Arthur is about to do junken (scissors, rock, paper) with people who got bingo at the same time as him.

Oh yes, that's another thing we still need to do this evening; play bingo. Our third game today; bonus!

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