Fiery Sky

I didn't realise but the image I put up yesterday went into today's date the 5th, I didn't think that could happen!!

I can't seem to move things around easily so my image for today which is Sunday the 5th of April will now have to go to the 4th......confused, yes so am I grrr!!

Slept in this morning, didn't wake until 9.30am which is unheard of for me anyway! :). It was lovely but the day went very fast!

We spent the day slothing around and then headed to the river with Toto champing at the bit at 5.30. It was actually a bit late and the mozzies welcomed us with open arms and before we knew it we were covered in bites aarrghh!!!

I quickly took a couple of shots and we ran back to the car, the dog thought it was a game and barked at us when we were swearing about the mosquitoes!! :o))

There was a big bushfire in a pine plantation to the north this afternoon and the smoke was dense across the whole city! There are a lot of dead trees along the river this year and this one made a wonderful silhouette in front of the smoke filled sunset!

Needless to say we're both itchy and scratching tonight and will never forget the insect spray again!! :)

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