Circles of life

Three circles of life today. And here some few springly captures.

Circle of life 1) In the morning I visited my mum helping signing in to Blipfoto and got some pancakes for return... I had slept very badly due pulsating pain in my hip and knee. The pain is caused by somekind of Osteoarthritis running in our family - and it is my turn now, I guess... ;(

Circle of life 2) Our daughter has now a summer job in a cafeteria and was asked to deliver it's flyer advertisements. It reminded me my life some 30 years ago as I started to earn money delivering ad's into people's mailboxes. Now it is her turn now, I guess... ;)

Circle of life 3) A view over Mallasvesi today as we visited grandparents too in the afternoon. Ice halfly melted and mr and mrs Goosander standing on the ice surface. If you have binoculars ready you maybe can also find some 30-40 small birds migrating, flying under the blue clouds.

Turn to face the summer soon, I guess... ;)


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