The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Where's Dad?

Went to bed early last night and had eight good hours of sleep. Woke up in a nasty dream so was pleased to get up and out of bed and walk the girls. It feels odd without you here.

Breakfast was my first attempt at a new type of porridge...oats, flaxseed, protein shake and almond milk. Yum scrum! Note to self, strawberry protein shake is grim in porridge!

Went to make my spoon but David wasn't there so went to the office and did over five hours of solid, quality work. Didn't get much off the jobs list but cleared the desk and felt a little better afterwards.

Home to meet Mum and Dad, ready for them to get the keys to their new home on Tuesday! Cooked roast lamb and all the trimmings for dinner and now is time to tick off a few little jobs off the list before an early bedtime.

Sending you cuddles. Pip keeps bringing her teddy to me. Think she misses you too.x

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