
By Marlytyz

Big Moon

This was taken in the early hours of this morning.  Unusual for me to be up so late but, somehow I just didn't feel tired.  I snapped this free hand but, of course, it really needed a tripod.  However, by the time I had found the tripod, set it up and lugged it outside the moon had disappeared behind a cloud.  
Had a relaxing Easter Sunday.  We booked lunch in a local restaurant for husband's mother, youngest son and his partner.  We then came home and just relaxed.
I have found another good photo site that gives lots of prizes for photos under a range of categories.  It is well worth a look.
Another bit of news, I found a really, really good offer for New York on the Queen Mary 2.  Not sure who will look after the dogs but it was an offer too good to miss.  I am talking very nicely to youngest son.  
Hope you all had a lovely day today and thank you for the  comments and stars on my recent photos.

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