Dogs Days


What are they up to?

What a relaxing Easter Sunday. The morning walk was glorious. It was sunny with a light breeze. I think on days like this my Humans miss not having the sheep. There would be new born lambs racing up and down the field. It's the sort of day when you can almost see everything growing. In the afternoon we went for another walk. I got a bit of a fright when I was ambushed by a mad spaniel. He came out of nowhere and then ran off. He didn't do or say anything but I was surprised. In the evening the Man Human got the BBQ out and Tikka and I got some bits of steak. Later on I was snoozing in the conservatory when I heard the neighbours they were laughing and giggling. Enjoying the lovely weather.

The blip is of me being nosey and trying to see what the neighbours were up to. Hope you had a great day. Luv Ginnie Xx.

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