Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

These Guys...

... make me laugh. Here they seem to be assessing the day's nut offerings. I'm walking a fine line right now between wanting to continue to put out bird seed, while at the same time not tempt any Black Bears to visit our cafeteria. The little dog is a complete idiot about bears and has twice - TWICE - been swiped by a Black Bear and gotten holes in himself. We have a thing the husband calls the "bird food safe" outside, in which I put the feeders every night during the winter months, except sometimes on really cold/snowy nights, so as to not be feeding the raccoons. But now, because bears have such a fine sense of smell, I'm actually taking the feeders indoors at night. By the end of this month I'll stop hanging feeders out during the day and just throw seed on the ground - with a little on the rock benches right in front so as to have continuing photo ops. These Blue Jays are on one of those benches. We'll likely still have a bear or two stroll thru, but hopefully we can keep the silly dog inside - fingers crossed. I don't know how many lives dogs are allotted, but I suspect they don't have the nine that cats get.

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