Balancing Act

Why do cats love to walk along ledges having no fear of heights? There is nothing Taz likes more than to stroll along this ledge 15ft above the ground.
I have been asked for an update on the mystery cat saga.
On the advise of Cat Rescue we put paper collars on the mystery cat, the first two just had our phone number then seeing as this got no reaction M. decided to up the anti and wrote on the collar that the next time the cat appeared it would be taken to cat rescue.
The cat disappeared for a couple of days then we got a phone call.
It was the vet.
The owner had gone to him and asked him to ring us complaining she had been bullied!
He refused to tell us who the owner was except he did reveal she lived in the next road.
He said she would ring us. She never did.
So the cat continues to visit every night, scoffs all Taz food and if he is still hungry refuses to move until he gets more.
An uneasy relationship seems to have developed between Taz and this mystery cat  and we have since learnt learnt that the owner is in the process of moving. But only half a mile away…

(Back story- Taz and at least three other cats in the neighbourhood have been terrorised by a cat and suffered injuries necessitating several hundred pounds of vets bills. We think the culprit is the one that comes visiting every night and scoffs all Taz food because I have found them fighting in the kitchen. )

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