
Just 100 metres from our home and the entrance to Wanaka Station Park “The Avenue of Trees” is starting to show some Autumn colour.
I love this place as it is full of wonderful smells and ratching (Oh new word) around in the leaves is kinda nice. BEING A GIRL  I am of course unconcerned with the actual trees. 
Get it?
Got it?
We had a coffeeless (Another new word) walk today as we walked from where we park cars and on returning and driving to our favourite Coffee spot we found it was “Visitorpated”  with a line out the door for orders so gave up and will wait for the “V” people to go home and give our town back.

Big Day tomorrow as The Bossess will get on a plane for work for the first time since her nee job and will boldly go where she has not ventured for the last few weeks.  (Thanks Star Trek for the words) She will also return the crutches to whence they came. (Auckland).

It would have been a lot easier on her if Scotty had made his “Beam me up” thingie available. The Boss says that may become an iPhone App at some time in the future but count me out as I fear for the quality of my curls if transponded.


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