Easter Monday

Easter Monday, the second day of Easter Week, otherwise known as Bright Week, which is Easter Sunday to Thomas Sunday. According to tradition ....

from the holy day of the Resurrection of Christ our God until Thomas Sunday for a whole week the faithful in the holy churches should continually be repeating psalms, hymns and spiritual songs... For this reason on the aforesaid days that by no means there be any horse races or any other public spectacle.

So I shan't be racing horses or causing a public spectacle ..... I hope.

In Egypt today is the ancient celebration of (lit) The Smelling of the Breeze. In Europe it's Wet Monday. In Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic traditionally, early in the morning boys awake girls by pouring a bucket of water on their head and hitting them about the legs with tree branches. I can see that going down well. In Germany, some go out into the fields early in the morning and hold Easter egg races.

We didn't do any of these things, we spent the day meandering through London, beautiful day, beautiful sights, lovely company, a great day.

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