
By peterdawson28

House (3)

Just down the road from my old flat, to which I'll be returning next month, this pair of semis have always struck me as being very out of place in a south London suburb - but in a good way, I particularly like the fancy white facia boards. They looked especially out of place on a gloriously sunny, blue sky day like today.

There is nothing else like them in the road or anywhere else in the area that I've seen. What they do have in common with a lot of small houses in the area is the "front" door at the side. The one on the right retains the original entrance while the one on the left had a new two storey extension added a few years ago. On balance I think I prefer the original look but at least the extension is in keeping with building as a whole and what you can't see from this angle is that the people on the right appear to have extended out quite a long way at the back.

I'm not sure where I'm heading with these house shots but hopefully I'll find a thread in the weeks to come and I can't wait to get back to using my grown up camera rather than teetering on one foot with the little one!

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