and through the wire...

By hesscat

Earth Invasion!

Hmmm... when I found out today's MonoMonday challenge was "Earth" I wondered how I could do this given we'd already booked tickets for the Games Masters exhibition at the NMS - I had no plans for a bank holiday gardening session, despite the need for it!

It was a walk back in time, in the late 70s we used to go down the golf club to play whichever arcade game was on hire - Space Invaders and Asteroids were the most popular... and sticking a gas lighter down the coin slot seemed to give us free games for some reason, until they cottoned on. I had forgotten many games, others I'd never heard of. We had a fun few hours seeing and playing games as they have evolved over the last 30 odd years, it was good for Ms H to experience them!

Thanks to notowennewitt for hosting this week's challenge.

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