The girls

Here are all 5 of our hens, Doris, Bisibel (was Isabel  but she was renamed due to the fact that she never stands still),, Daphne, who's head is behind Betty and Mabel. They have a great time the last few days eating all the bugs Mr PB has found under the paving slabs. What will they think of the puppy. Still no name as yet.

Mr PB has finished (pretty much) the patio and repairing/rebuilding the wall. It looks great and we have saved so much money doing it ourselves. We still have loads of garden stone to use. I have tried to use some by building a dry stone wall around a flower bed. Mainly to keep the soil in the flower bed rather than everywhere else thanks to these ladies!

In a moment of rest, I was sitting having a cuppa in peace and quiet. I felt a bug around my neck so flicked it away - only to flick it down my back inside my top where it panicked and stung me. I jumped up whipped my top off to realise that it was a poor bee that had got trapped and stung me. What a shame. 

L is home to day from Uni. A big pile of washing but I don't care its so nice to have him home.

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