Young Muscovy Duck

Late this afternoon I got back to the accommodation (which is much flasher than that word makes it sound) after another full on day. It's better than being bored, but a little less would be preferable, I have to say. It does go from the sublime to the ridiculous as the saying goes. Yesterday I was on call for 24 hours. I had one call about a person being admitted, and then half an hour later another call to say the patient had decided to go home. Sum total of calls. Today I worked on notes and letters over lunch and didn't stop from starting to going home.

I've worked out that I see people for longer than the others, and tend to try and write a letter to the GP on every person I see, and to do that on the day. So it's probably my fault that I'm as busy as that.

Anyway I ran along the Te Henui Walkway which starts a couple of hundred metres from where we are staying. I posted a photo of a kereru seen on a previous run along the path. Tonight I was looking for an old pa site. Didn't quite get the siting right in my memory and went past it without realising. Will do it another time.

This young Muscovy duck was in the Te Henui stream near where it empties into the sea. By the look of her feathers, I think she must be moulting into full adult plumage. Pleased with the quality from the small Nikon with a pretty powerful zoom.

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