A spot of welding

It has been a fairly yukky day here.
The nearly wife trundled off with the dogs for the early morning wander and to play with horses whilst I loaded tools back into the van so I could go and sort a blocked drain in a shower in Stromness. As it turned out I needed no tools at all - one of the easiest blocked drains I have ever dealt with. The customer was delighted.
I stopped in to see my mum on the way home, and had a good old blether.
Home again and I did some paperwork, before HV came back from horsing around.
The best news of the day was that her late shift and sleep over at work has been cancelled, so we get to spend the evening together.

The blip today is of a flue connector which I picked up this afternoon for the boiler fit. The spot welds on it are about the most bright and colourful things I have seen today.

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