
By m13ster


Whilst in the bath the kid suddenly decided to not speak for the rest of the evening...could have done with her doing that at about 4.30pm when she had a 5 minute tantrum whilst doing her 'gross motor skills' workout, but lets not look a gift-horse in the (quiet) mouth.

She has been on the lookout for something to A) Get entered into the Guinness Book of Records (though don't think they have one for most annoying kid) and B) to do something for charity.

I suggested that she could do a sponsored silence, whilst she was undertaking her grand opus of not talking. However, this suggestion resulted in the need for some serious discussion that flapping hands and earnest facial expressions could not convey - so she hit on the great idea of writing the stuff down.

The downside being that her spelling is...well, crap. I love it though, seeing how her brilliant mind puts letters together and how she sees words being created. It often cracks me up.

What the 'worm' is about I do not know, however she asked me 'what is a not talking charity?' (gold star for correct punctuation). I had to explain there is not really a charity for those that decide not to talk, and explained that people would give her money for not talking (something all parents would pay good money for).

After mulling on this for a while, her plans appear to get a tad more grand, and she decided she wanted to be sponsored to swim the Thames (or Rive Temse) - I didn't have the heart to tell her some comedian had already done this...but did point out that she can't really swim yet - which elicited a rather amazing display of hand/arm flapping and a plethora of facial expressions which I think was meant to display her annoyance at me being right.

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