So loved

Sugar enjoyed this special Easter treat from a really lovely lady who spoils us both.  She is a blessing in our lives.  We are always ever so grateful to have opened our hearts to her and her grand daughter.  Years ago, when all I wanted to do was sit by myself and read my book....she started up conversations with me.....and soon we were fast friends.  

Friday was less stressful, but some hard conversations.  I was a bit late to an after school meeting for the annual Talent Show. friend jumped in, and helped out with my girl.  I finally arrived, and it was so sweet to see the kids present their talents to the coordinator.  Sugar was super nervous....but she successfully presented the solo dance she has choreographed for the Talent Show.  I was so proud of her, and even better.....she was so proud of herself.  

Awwwwww...sliding into the weekend.  It feels so good.

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