Life on the edge...

By bru22

I don't give up, I move on, I'm better than that..

"change the changeable, accept the unchangeable and remove yourself from
the unacceptable...

Denis Waitley

Today, I snapped.

I went Iinto work feeling great.

I left at 10.30am feeling like a piece of dirt with the shakes... That's not healthy.

My boss and her daughter (operations manager) pushed my buttons one step too far this morning. They insulted me beyond insult!

I have had enough.

I'm not working for a company that belittles their employees and talks down to everyone. "that's how business works" is what she says... No that's not how business works that's how bullies work, that's how companies fail, lack of team work, lack of communication skills and lack of manners! That's not business. That's rudeness!! If I spoke to my own staff at my other job like that, I wouldn't have staff, low and behold... BYE-BYE.

I left for today, said I wasn't in any fit state to work. Which i'm not. Said I'd be back in tomorrow. I have no intention of going back.

Feels like a slight relief off of my back. I still have to sort the logistics of being off Vs. 4 weeks notice but since they are due me 2 weeks holiday and 2 weeks i'm signed off with stress then they can stick that in their pipe and choke on it.

For now, I'm back to job hunting.

After i update my CV.

I'm going to look further afield now.

Maybe get back into something related to music...

I'm going to look anywhere that has jobs... Rather than refine myself to one area. I have no reason to.

I have no reason not to look for anything under the sun... The world is my oyster. My family will always be here and I can always return, Home is where the heart is. I think this might be a sign to venture further and go see what else is out there. I've learnt a lot of skills from working in that post. Its been a great eye-opener!!!!!

I still have 3 out of 4 jobs... Nothing permanent/full-time so just a case of paying the rent until I find another job... Maybe cut down on the champagne for a wee while... Or notAt least I can concentrate on the job my heart is in for the month of June. I love it.

Everything happens for a reason...

Breathe, let go. Remind yourself this moment is the only one you know you have for sure...
Oprah Winfrey

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