Lifting Light

We had to go to Cromwell today to get Suzz serviced and while the car folk do their thing WE went walking round the the edge of town that faces the river.

It was a spectacular (even for ME) morning as we were early and the pre-winter light was only just getting up so the play of light was everywhere and The Boss was swapping from camera to Fruitphone and bark again as I played with other dogs that were also out early. Some really small (smaller than ME) dogs can have social issues I recon  but most of them were happy to mix and mingle. (asyoudo)

I was in BIG trouble when we got bark as the garage had refused a warrant of fitness because one of the seatbelts (mine) was not acceptable with the curl and rippled edges. NO I had NOT chewed it…For goodness sake what sort of a dog do you think I am????
BUT The toggle thingie that The Boss used to attach the seatbelt to my harness was way too small and altho the fabric was not (in The Boss’s expert opinion) damaged the curled edges were a no no so it has to be replaced. Oh dear…I feel new arrangements in the air. The Lovely lady at the Car place was as lovely as last time and I greeted her with enthusiasm asyoudo but was unable to override the belt thing decision as she did not have moisturiser on her legs and she knew how to tell dogs to cease and desist as well.   Sigh. 

So there will be another trip this way when the new belt bit arrives. I feel that I may be left behind or at the least suffer another restraining arrangement not involving seat belts. (The Boss was eyeing a large bolt behind the seat.) Hmm?

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