Black Mountains Blips

By Hanneke3

Making a Mountain out of a Molehill...

Up close and personal: the theme for Wideangle Wednesday 06.

I have a serious mole problem this year. They pretty much come up EVERYWHERE and my whole half acre is covered in molehills. I remove some, cut some grass or tend to my veg and fruit, and the next day I am rewarded with more tumps.

I am a non-violent person and I actually quite like those cute, velvetty things called moles, but I am coming to the point that I need to exterminate. Maybe I wait until they have dug up the quarter of an acre I am wanting to use for growing medicinal herbs first though...

Thank you Hobbs, for another fun challenge that had me out lying on my side, back and stomach getting soaked by the dew on the grass :D

P.S. the tree stakes on my fruit trees aren't bent, honest guv, it is wideangle lens distortion... I quite like the way the hedgerow seems to bend over to embrace my young orchard too...

P.P.S. I went one step further for today's Farcebook status:

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