
By Letitgo

No Age Limit

"No matter how old you are now, you are never too young or too old for success or going after what you want." -Pablo

We may not feel right if we do things out of our age or behave not like our age. People may get judgemental if we laugh hysterically at a joke if we are considered as "old". People may disapprove if we don't play with our friends at the age of 7. But who cares about other people? 

Everyone does. At some point. At different amounts: Most of us care a lot, a few not so much. But we do care.

Other's opinion may show us new perspectives, but we should not listen to them for every occasion. They should not limit us, they should not set a barrier in front of us that will keep us from what we enjoy.

Don't get stuck to the age limit. If you feel it is the time to do things and get into action, it is definitely the right time. 

Let the age stress go; play football with little kids, and enjoy it, like my father in the photo.

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