
By littlemissquirk


So the sun was out and got myself out my funk from yesterday, four kids, three bikes and off to the Kelpies for a stunning sunny day by the pedaloes and a stroll. All was good and sanity returning.
Until I got in the car and a rather nasty noise accompanied me starting up. Couldn't get above 20 so pulled in pretty quick and phoned the AA. An hour and a half later Dick Turpin the man turned up, quick once over and pronounced the coil pack at fault. Not safe to drive and apparently my £79 quid membership doesn't get me home. So, £165 later and a huge amount of tears got me a truck and home by 9.30. Boo hoo hoo :(

Decided will ebay the first child to annoy me in the morning. Not coming out from under the duvet til Monday when I can safely go back to work.

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